Minggu, 25 Juli 2021

how to extract tar.md5 files

 with my greates stupidity i have, i never tough this is work. i want root my android galaxy a20, but by my self( wichis not works yet). in my journey i have frustated to gain stockrom information abaout my galaxy.  because after im extract the files, the extention is tar.md5. thats right md5 and none zip or extractor recognize it. now is the time for biggesr time.... you wauting right?? ... hahaha sory. in my mad situation im goin to breaking the file im renamed files as you like , example mine; youredead.tar thats it just thats simple and all open like a normal and absolutely work . im still suprise now. how ALLAH subhana wataalla really kind to me . he is the most gracefull. al the maighty greatness only belong to him . thanks folks . happy try it. sssshhh im still shocked now.

note: you will find fota.zip from samsung romstock. what the password...... read this"fotatest1234". all small letter. ALHAMDULILLAH. all works. 

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